Yoga for Kids

Kids Yoga

Children receive many benefits from being introduced to yoga at a young age. It helps them learn healthy lifestyle habits that nurture healthy bodies, minds and spirits.

Eilís believes that kids’ yoga should be fun and engaging. She offers yoga-themed classes, yoga games, breathing techniques, meditation, affirmations, stories and relaxation techniques.

Eilís is Garda vetted and has a Children’s Protection and Welfare Policy.

Some of the researched benefits of Children’s Yoga include:

  • Enhances concentration and focus

  • Develops strength and flexibility

  • It helps manage stress and anxiety

  • Boosts self-esteem and confidence

  • Increases the connection between the body and mind

  • Improves emotional regulation

  • Improves sleep patterns




Eilís is available to teach Children’s Yoga at schools:

  • Six-week, Eight-week, Ten-week programmes

  • Wellness days

  • Sports and activity days

  • After school classes




Eilís is available to teach Children’s Yoga at Sports and Activity Days